Portsmouth - Tecknologia Training Venue

Venue Address:

Tecknologia trainings at Portsmouth are usually delivered at following address:

Holiday Inn Portsmouth

Pembroke Rd



Please note that none of our customer support or sales staff is stationed at above address.

Have a question about Tecknologia trainings venue at Portsmouth? Contact us today!


From UK: 0800 047 8178
International: +44 208 126 4500


Contact us on WhatsAppp +44 208 126 5400



Tecknologia Value Deliver

Trainings delivered:

Agile Trainings Courses at Portsmouth:

Business Analysis Courses at Portsmouth:

Business Continuity & DR Courses at Portsmouth:

Change Management Courses at Portsmouth:

InfoSec and Data Protection Courses at Portsmouth:

IT Governance Courses at Portsmouth:

ITIL Trainings Courses at Portsmouth:

Portfolio Management Courses at Portsmouth:

PRINCE2 Trainings Courses at Portsmouth:

PRINCE2 Trainings (Legacy) Courses at Portsmouth:

Programme Management Courses at Portsmouth:

Project Management Courses at Portsmouth:

Risk Management Courses at Portsmouth: